Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Colorado Day

That's what my mother always used to call this kind of weather. Not too hot, not humid, pleasant breeze, a particular color to the sky, the dry rustle to the leaves of the trees. Perfect. Mom has always missed living in Colorado, and painted beautiful word pictures. We have visited a few times, and it was amazing to discover how accurate her memories were - to discover that those days she described really were what Colorado was like - at least when we would visit!
I went out once today already to stroll in my small garden and breathe in that delicious air. Air that has little humidity for the first time in weeks. I have windows open today instead of intrusive A/C units blasting away. The breeze is perfumed with dry grass and the sage I harvested - and Fall. Autumn is on it's way and it won't be long before the geese are overhead, honking their way to their winter vacation spot. The light has taken on that indescribable ethereal quality which I realize is the approach of the Equinox - the angle of the sun is changing, but I prefer to indulge my childish belief in a little Fall fairy magic. I cannot be sure that I would ever tire of living in an eternal Autumn; it is my favorite of all the seasons.
I picked a large bowl full of produce today and still didn't get all of the vegetables and herbs. I picked several handfuls of green beans which will become part of dinner tonight, a dozen or so tomatoes, 8 jalepeno peppers, one lonely zucchini, and a beautiful bunch of sage to hang and dry. There is still Swiss Chard, more sage and a ton of mint out there, and the rest of the garden is far from slowing down.
The boys' room needs a thorough airing and cleaning, so that is what I will be doing this afternoon. School is now less than a week away and there's nothing like starting off on the right foot and feeling well rested because your room is a pleasant place to be! It's time to sweep away the summer dust and go through the toys and odd collections my urchins love to tuck away. :) Come to think of it, MY room could use a good cleaning...
After all that is done, maybe I'll take my knitting outside and watch the kids play til the sun goes down. It'll be a good time to try to plan a last hurrah of summer. And look forward to more Colorado Days.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Three years in the making...

Indeed, I signed up for this site approximately 3 years ago. I agonized over a title and a layout. I never made one. single. post.
Three years later, I am in a different place and so I chucked the old idea and started over. I'm not even sure what I want to accomplish with a blog, other than at this point I have more friends who spend time online than over a cup of tea. I can share things here and more of them will see it - or have the option to ignore my inane ramblings if they choose! HA.
I suppose if you read this, you'll find out what I'm knitting, harvesting, canning, picking out of the trash(! really! I scored a very nice table with folding leaves a few weeks ago. It is destined to be sawn in half and become my middle child's desk.) or perhaps you'll laugh at my parenting fails, housekeeping mishaps, and battles with mutant dust bunnies. There may be rants about government ineptitude, living in a small town, or the difficulties in changing the minds of people who are stuck in a post WWII, consumer-driven, cookie cutter perfect mindset. Especially in small towns. I'm sure other topics will come up. I like to flit from interest to interest.